Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Beautiful Day

Today was my first day back at work after the holidays, a half day, which was nice. It was also an amazing day of health. I woke up on time, miraculously.. a week and a half off work and still made it out of the house looking some what put together. I forgot breakfast so I had to pick up something at 7-Eleven, the options are stunning , haha. Cheese string and fruit was breakfast. Awesome morning with my client, laid back and happy thankfully. Tomorrow I may need a coffee or tea to start my morning. 
I finished work at 11:30 and headed to the airport to pick up Mom from work. When we got home, it was time for some lunch. A little lasagna and we shared some cucumbers, carrots and tzatziki. Yum! 
I had a lovely chat with my Mom and then off to the gym around 2pm. 

I was very busy and then very sick and busy in December and didn't have much opportunity to get my butt to the gym. So today it was an over excited race to get there, I honestly caught my self speeding a little. Oops. I have never been so happy to see those glass doors. I also plan to frequent Cardel Place, I used to work there and I love their gym and the classes they offer AND they have a pool <3  

Needless to say , today's workout was amazing and went a little something like this:
10 minute warm up on the Elliptical 
20 mins of Reps (Sets of 12) - Crunches, Toe Touches, Step Ups with a platform and Jumping Jacks 
15 mins on the Treadmill 
5 more mins on the BETTER ELLIPTICALS! The women's room at World Health has way better ones! 
10 mins of stretching 
Voila! A beautiful work out. The afterglow, oh how I missed it. 

Music to accompany said workout :
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom - the songs "Bathwater" and "Spiderwebs" this one makes me want to put on a dress and heels and dance. 
Pink - I'm Not Dead - the upbeat songs , especially "Cuz I Can" awesome song for kicking ass on the treadmill or just kicking ass. This song was my anthem today. 
Black Eyed Peas - First two albums 

After all was said and done I was sweaty and happy and glowing the glow of a good long workout. <3 
I drove home to Rihanna's - Loud album. 
Emotionally I had a weird day. It was the perfect day at the gym. 
Happy Tuesday! 

Much Love 

Ps. I've lost 3 pounds since last week.Yay for small victories!

 Snack time. Yum. 

 Dinner. A mess of a salad, Tuna, Cucumbers, Eggs, Mushrooms, Spinach, Spring Mix, Almonds and some Carrots that I couldn't finish because my salad was so giant. :( 

 Water Bottle and My little motivational book I stuck to it, made out of scrap book paper and inspiring magazine clippings. 

 Stretching after that run, when you just want to collapse. 

Tidbits and quotes. 

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Mmm your food loooks so yumy!! I LOVE the idea of having your quotes on your water bottle, what a great way to keep going!
...YAY!! THREE POUNDS!! That's FANTASTIC!!!! Are you also taking measurments?