Oh Hello there!
It's been a while. I have been itching to write again! An absolutely crazy week held me hostage and the weekend was time to relax and do nothing. I don't "do nothing" very well. I am infamous for constantly running around between work, the gym, home, Paul's place and various outings with friends,on top of that add keeping up with my art making, laundry and my 100 other side projects. It's a bit like a three ring circus. All of this activity + not much down time + a shortage of sleep more than a few of those nights = A very anxious and wound up Erin
I have been dealt the anxiety card so many times in my 26 years that it comes and goes like the wind. In all my experience with anxiety I have learned a few coping strategies and sure fire ways to calm the storm.
Mind you these strategies do not always mend the problem. However 9 out of 10 times something helps..
How to Remain Calm or Come Down from Your Cliff of Anxiety -
In no specific order :
1. Take deep breaths
2. Listen to mellow and soothing music
3. Squeeze a pillow
4. Punch something
5. Read a book
6. Lay in bed with your head under the covers
7. Close your eyes and picture something neutral or calming
8. Have a cup of tea
9. Pull over if you happen to be driving
10. Sing a song you love
11. Write down your thoughts
12. Go for a walk
13. Go to the gym and work out
14. Yoga - it is calming for three reasons, you are focused on holding the poses, as well as your breathing, and the third is the mental.. you are asked to bring your mind to a calm and centered place and guess what? It usually works. :)
15. Watch a movie you love
16. Meditate
17. Draw or paint something - Even if you don't think you're very good at it
18. Have a big glass of water
19. Make something with your hands - whether it is knitting, origami or cooking, make something, refocusing your mind will calm you down
20. Do something you love to do - Anything at all. For you it might be playing some music, playing guitar, writing, running, dancing, anything. For me it is Painting, and a close second is writing, it has always helped me to write things down.
That's my advice. From a girl who knows what she's talking about.
I promised you my lovely readers a post about my adventures in Mental Health and it is coming... Just not today, I have to spend a bit more time wrapping my head around that one.
Learning to Do Nothing.
As I said earlier, "doing nothing" is not something that comes easily to me. I feel much happier when my time is consumed with many projects and lots of time spent with friends and family. However Paul pointed something out to me last week that has stuck in my mind..
He said " Erin, do you ever just sit? Sit and do nothing? " I asked ,
" What do you mean?" then replied " I sit". He responded " No, I mean just sit and do nothing, chill out, vegetate, watch TV, relax.. do you ever just relax?" I paused and thought for a moment. Then replied
" Well yes, I relax, I have down time" He said " No not really, you're always doing something or making plans".. I paused again, frozen in my tracks. He was right. My Mom has also made this point time and time again. The last time she made such a point I had just thrown a grown up tantrum about not having enough time to do what I needed and wanted to do, I don't recall how the tantrum had started.
Grown Up Tantrum Definition: I refer to these a lot, basically think of a child having a tantrum, only leave out the laying on the floor kicking part and add in extra screaming, some swearing on occasion and a lot of hand motioning and you have a classic Grown Up Tantrum, we all have them and it is usually over something completely ridiculous and entirely within our realm of control.
I spend so much time busying myself with work and my after work extras, and projects on top of projects I leave little to no time for me. I need time during the week to watch a movie, or just lay around and read a book. I need a balance, and finding that may be the hardest part.
This last weekend Paul and took a trip up to St.Albert (just outside of Edmonton) to visit his family. Trips away, even the shortest ones are always welcome, such a breath of fresh air. I spent the weekend hanging out with his family, Paul included. We went out for breakfast, hung around the house, watched TV, talked, visited his Grammy, had a late Saturday evening nap. Listened to his Dad play Piano, played some video games. All of these things were relaxing and easy, no pressure, just time out. It was the reality check I needed. I felt rested, because I wasn't trying to be super woman. I wasn't trying to juggle 100 things at once. Disclaimer: (I'm very clumsy and I could never really juggle anything if you want to know the truth.) My point is, I need the quiet times, to balance out all of the noise in my life. I am a busy girl, but never to busy to take some time out. From now I am going to try to take at least 30-60 mins a night for this.. to start. I'll check in this time next month and let you know how this experiment turns out.
Here's to quiet time and keeping calm.
Much Love
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