Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hello Readers, Friends and Strangers alike. 

I have been on a short hiatus. It's been a few months since my last post. A few long months. 
I can only say I've been struggling. A struggle with life, and love, and work, a battle with myself at best. 
I am happy to report that so far the score is:
Erin's Life:1 Struggle:0. 
I am conquering it. In a fashion befitting a girl with the determination of a bull fighter. I am stuck to my convictions and have become immovable. 

With the battle has come epiphany. 
First with my place in life. When you begin to examine yourself closely, you often stumble upon disaster.
A disaster not unlike a car accident, some how you can't look away... but it's terrifying none the less.
It becomes painfully obvious where the happiness lies. 
I am typically a very happy person. Lately I just feel a little lost. Happy but somehow mellowed. I would like to spring back. 
I'm on my way there. I am on my way back to being the incredibly awesome and energetic, full of life Erin I know I am. 

As I was saying epiphany..
I have come to many conclusions in the last few months about so many different things, all related to my current stance in life. I wouldn't know where to begin to outline them for you.  
I think I'll save most of it for another day and another story. 
Right now let's stick to the related, my blog. 
This page started out as a place to record, journal and share my weight loss journey. It was a noble endeavor, but I have always felt something was missing. It has helped to keep me accountable as I set out for it to. It has moved me to reveal things about myself I would not otherwise have shared in a public forum. 
It has taught me so many things.I still feel as though something is missing. Am I helping anyone else with the posts I write? Is anyone getting anything from this? I don't know. 
I am finding it difficult to focus purely on a singular journey or "adventure" as I put it so often.
Don't worry, we are not getting to the part where I say "I quit" and resign my blog to the dark depths of the web. I will keep writing. I promise. I need to. I need the outlet. 

I just want to change the format. The plot if you will. 
The title has to stay, changing it seems silly at this point.  
I need to redefine it. 
The Adventures and Misadventures of Shrinking Erin. 
The adventures will always be a part of my bigger picture, life is full of them, and with them come misadventures, there are so many of these. A misadventure is not always a negative experience, it's often embarrassing, funny and sometimes a tale of something that I tried and just completely failed at. 
All noble causes. 
Lastly the shrinking part, I originally intended this to refer to the shrinking that comes with weight loss. 
However with a change of intention, this too needs to change definition. Shrinking (think shrink as in a therapist or doctor) shrinking in this case will come to mean a great many things, untangling the mess that is life, sorting out my inner most workings, just talking at all of you really. 
This blog will become something different, but very much the same, stories of my life and the things that inspire me, links to interesting finds, other blogs and fun. 
I only hope some of you will continue to read. 
I hope I haven't lost you all in my absence. 

So now that we've sorted that out. 
Here's an update on my current state of affairs, 
The stats if you will: 
Erin Myers 
Age: 27
Emotional state: Happy but lonely. 
Sleep state: After a long 4 hour nap, sleep will be somewhat delayed tonight 
Physical: I feel a little under the weather this week
Excercise: Walking - I have missed the gym entirely this week so far, due to the aforementioned sick feeling
Work: Busy and productive 
Art: 3 projects on the go. All in various stages.  
Weight loss: Is at a stand still currently, next week I will be back on top of this. Up until this point I have lost a total of 42 pounds. I am proud of this, but there is more to go.
Heart: Previously broken and under repair. Currently a little better, happier and somewhat jaded until further notice.
Life: Is messy, but overall happy and good.

Cheers lovely readers! 
Until later. 

Ps. I love you guys! 

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