Monday, January 2, 2012

Caterpillars and Butterflies

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.  ~Author Unknown

So simple and so true. 
True change takes time. The change I am looking for in myself is not simple, it won't be easy or without struggle. It is going to take time, time I am willing to spend. I know how I want to accomplish my goals, what I need to do it, and that it will be no simple task. I am ready for it and accepting of any bumps in the road along the way. This "adventure" is aptly named, it will be one, full of the good bad and in between. I am lucky because I have the support of friends 
and family. I have an unshakable faith in myself and I have hope. 
I am a chubby caterpillar today, here's hoping for butterflies.

If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.  ~Author Unknown


Danielle said...

Again, awsome! You keep your eye on the goals, keep your focus and you are going to acheive things your mind can't not comprehend right now!!! Find your focus, Find your way!! xo

lovefrommaria said...

your bravery and determination is beautiful. it made me smile this early morning. i am so excited for you on this new adventure, and i am loving every minute of your blog <3

Kristen said...

Love it Erin! your beautiful :D

E said...

Thank you unknown for your kind words :) Thank you so much Alanna, you make me smile :) and Thank you Kristen, you're beautiful too! Love you vegan blog :)