Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Weekly Reflections - Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Late evening, but evening none the less. This post is a bit over due, I meant for it to happen days ago. It's been a weird week since my last post. 

Work has been insanely busy, 3 clients is a lot. The new full time schedule is perfect, but yikes. I am tired. I suppose I should tell you what I do,I work with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and children with developmental delays as an Aide/Child Development Specialist. It's a very rewarding and inspiring, always interesting, and fun job. I love my job. I love the children I work with to bits. I could not ask for more. It often seems too good to be true. I am blessed to have such an amazing day job :) So one cannot complain of being tired. 

The last little stretch here has been hard in the way of working out or exercise of any sort. Last weeks Sunday - Wednesday stretch was basically a write off. I lost my head a bit, with the busy day to day and a total lack of sleep. I had little or no motivation for the gym. My mind  and my over tired body got the best of me. I gave in to some undue anxiety. It was not a pretty start. I did manage to squeak out a little 20 min workout with the Jillian Michaels DVD my lovely friend Shawna so graciously made for me. It was a bust, truly.  However all was not lost, as I'm told so many times, it is 90% diet and healthy choices, and 10% exercise. My choices stayed on track, and even improved slightly. So that is a success, a tiny one.  

Speaking of success, I was pulled out of my funk by Danielle, we took in two very intense classes Thursday to make up for my lack luster beginning to the week. Step and Pump and Zumba (2,500 calories burned between the two classes) at Spa Lady (Transcanada location in Calgary) Both classes I would recommend. Thank you Danielle for introducing me to the awesome world of classes at Spa Lady. Saturday was a revisit of the double classes, Cardio Step and Pump and Iron Reps. Another awesome day of burn inducing fun. Today I tried Awesome Arms, which I honestly didn't find all that awesome, but I was pretty tired. After that a one hour Yoga class to mellow things out. I needed the Yoga class. My anxiety has a hold of me, and I'm not about to let it win. 

On a very positive note, I have officially been on this little adventure of mine for a month and one day. I am looking forward to the next 12 or more months of this, and the adventure doesn't end when the weight is off.. so here's to a great many more months of adventure. I have lost 12 pounds total since December 29th. I will post pictures at the end of this post comparing so we can see what that 12 pounds looks like. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this adventure thus far, that means you my readers, my friends and family, those with words of encouragement, anyone who has shared a healthy lunch or dinner with me, been a shoulder to cry on, or just given me a high five.
Here's to more adventures and the misadventures too! Can't forget those.. can we say Zumba? (See past post regarding Zumba if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) A bit embarrassing, but I will venture forth for more. 

Friends. We need them in our lives, the good bad and in between times. I am thankful for the handfuls of friends I have. Wherever you are, I love you ladies and gents. 

Anxiety. This week is only beginning, Monday and I am an emotional basket case. My anxiety took a front row seat today,and it wasn't invited. The day went well as a whole, it was after I got home that it hit like a ton of bricks. Not sure why or where it came from. I wasn't keen on it sticking around , so I decided that Yoga was the cure. Yoga helped. It really did. However it certainly didn't stop the emotional water works, I cried my way home from the gym. No idea why. I came home to ice cupcakes for a party tomorrow and almost cried in to the cupcakes. I cried some more while talking to a friend. Just a teary mess I am. I think a good long sleep is in order. 

That sleep part comes now. I'm far too tired now to write much more tonight. I'll get another post to you this week. Goodnight all! 

Much Love 


Some more fun evidence.. this blue shirt in question was purchased Dec 26. Boxing Day 2011 and it fit perfectly and a bit snugly at the time. This photo was taken last week, Wednesday, the shirt is now a few inches too big, hurray! Second picture shows just how much extra fabric is there :) 

Last but not least a little comic relief. I was bored, this was last Monday? Boredom + Paul's roll of packing tape = Terrifying Tape Mustache and a stupid face I'm making. Nice Erin, very attractive. 

Very very last, the cupcakes, that I almost cried in...
*hands to face*

1 comment:

lynn said...

i"m proud of you lady!! Maybe anxiety is a necessary but uncomfortable part of this process. it is hard to stay still when you're anxious so you took it to the gym with you and worked it out!! Love that you post poictures of the changes that are happening - you are beautiful inside and out!!